
Sunday, September 22, 2019

Right at Home Supports The Women's Alzheimer's Movement

Right at Home of Central New Jersey 
Support The Women's Alzheimer's Movement 

The right people, doing the right things, 
the right way, for the right reasons. 
Right at Home.

Right at Home of Central New Jersey wants to share why we support The Women's Alzheimer's Movement. 

Founded by Maria Shriver, whose father (Sargent Shriver) was diagnosed with Alzheimer's disease in 2003, The Women's Alzheimer's Movement is a non-profit organization that focuses through research, education, conferences, Congressional testimony, and fundraising on women's increased risk for Alzheimer's. According to their site, every 65 seconds another person develops Alzheimer's disease and 2/3 of those are women. 

We already had a connection with The Women's Alzheimer's Movement (WAM). In April of this year, we let you know that our Ellen Burke (our social media and client satisfaction manager) had been awarded a Caregiver Recharger Grant by WAM for care for her mother. The grants are awarded to people who are the primary caregivers for their family members and Ellen has been doing that for her mother (a former Right at Home of Central New Jersey client) for over 2 years. 

WAM has just announced that their annual initiative (Move for Minds) will be held on November 2 in Los Angeles. The conference will feature top brain scientists as well as health and wellness influencers to share stories and learn ways to keep both your body and your brain healthy. Money raised from the conference will be used to conduct more research on women's Alzheimer's research.

Right at Home of Central New Jersey supports the great work that Maria Shriver and The Women's Alzheimer's Movement are doing and we look forward to working with them in the future to find a cure for this awful disease. 

We ask that you continue to support our fundraising efforts to "Smash Out Alzheimer's" by participating in our online fundraising events and attending our Smash Out Alzheimer’s fundraising event on November 24, 2019. 

Please join our Smash Out Alzheimer's Facebook group to keep up-to-date on all of our fundraising efforts and the Smash Out Alzheimer's event on Sunday, November 24.


About Right at Home of Central New Jersey – Right at Home offers in-home companionship and personal care and assistance to seniors and disabled adults who want to continue to live independently. The Right at Home of Central New Jersey office is a locally owned and operated franchise office of Right at Home, Inc., serving the communities of Middlesex and Northern Monmouth Counties.

For more information, contact Right at Home of Central New Jersey at

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