
Tuesday, September 3, 2019

How You Can Make Sure Your Senior Living Alone Is Safe

Right at Home of Central New Jersey 
Wants You to Know How You Can Make Sure Your Loved One Who Lives Alone Is Safe

The right people, doing the right things, 
the right way, for the right reasons. 
Right at Home.

Sometimes people we love live alone. Sometimes it's by choice because they are independent and able to live safely at home. Other times it can be because their spouse or partner has passed away or that there's no immediate family nearby.

No matter why or how your loved one lives on their own, it's human nature to worry that they are alright. For many seniors, living alone without regular social interaction with others can be very isolating. Wouldn't it be nice to have a way to check in on them every day to make sure that they're well and know that someone is thinking of them? 

Right at Home of Central New Jersey thinks that one of the primary ways that family members can ensure that their loved one is safe at home is through senior daily check-in services. 

The premise of these services is that, for a small monthly fee, you can enroll your loved one in one of these check-in services and have them receive a daily call to make sure they're doing alright.

You set up a time for your loved one to be called (or, in some cases, receive a text) each day. If your family member doesn't answer the phone or respond to the text, the service will continue to try multiple times and, if they still don't get a response, the circle of contacts you'll have set up previously (other family members or friends, for example) will be notified. 

If the contacts live nearby, they'd be able to check on the loved one. If they don't, local police or emergency services can be notified for a "wellness check-in" in some of the plans. 

Some of the more popular plans are Snug Safe which is an app that goes on your loved one's phone, pings them every day at a set time and then re-sets the 24-hour clock for the next day. Another plan is CareCheckers which has been providing senior check-in calls since 2009. They can provide daily check-in calls but that can also be expanded to include calls to give them medication and meal reminders. 

Another service is I Am Fine While this service does daily phone calls and then reaches out to what they call the "care circle" of people you've designated to be notified, they don't routinely reach out to police or emergency services unless you've included your local police department in your care circle. And while many of us are familiar with medical alert buttons, a company called Medical Alert 360 is able to provide from 1-3 live calls per day to check in on your family member.

(The links shown above are provided only as examples of these services and are not intended to be our endorsement or recommendation of any particular company). 

While using any of these services may be part of your plan of care for your loved one, please remember that Right at Home of Central New Jersey can have our highly skilled caregivers help your family member every day by providing companionship, bath visits, grocery shopping, meal preparation and medication reminders. Please call Beth Sholom, Owner/Executive Director of Right at Home of Central New Jersey to let us know how we can help you and your family. 

We provide care from a few hours a day to overnight shifts to live-in care. We'll work with you to come up with the best plan for your family and always be available 24/7 to help. We care for your family as we would for our own! 

About Right at Home of Central New Jersey – Right at Home offers in-home companionship and personal care and assistance to seniors and disabled adults who want to continue to live independently. The Right at Home of Central New Jersey office is a locally owned and operated franchise office of Right at Home, Inc., serving the communities of Middlesex and Northern Monmouth Counties.

For more information, contact Right at Home of Central New Jersey at

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